Athena 2023 Winter Webinar Series

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Athena Routing

A Game-Changing Solution

Introducing a cloud-based routing management solution designed for school districts of any size. Perform, plan, communicate, and manage all daily and long-term busing activities with intuitive, easy-to-use workspaces customized for each user and role. Quickly act upon changing circumstances and know with certainty what buses are doing at all times.


Athena integrates with your Student Information System, pulling and populating your transportation rosters, eligibility, and more based on your district's daily records.

Better, Faster, Stronger

Athena's intuitive interface lets you work graphically on your customizable maps or with a spreadsheet and form style interface to ensure that your workflow is comfortable and familiar.

Drag and Drop Simplicity

Easily select and assign multiple students to stops, quickly assign stops to runs, and do it all right from your map. Performing your most common routing tasks is simple.

Join Edulog for a showcase of Athena, transportation software backed by 40 years of industry experience.

There are several sessions to choose from - you only need to attend one.

Each session begins at 9:30 AM Mountain Time.

Nov. 8/ Nov. 15 / Dec. 6 / Dec. 13

cartoon art of a computer with multiple empty speech bubbles with the Athena logo in the middle. The athena logo is an owl and a pin point combined together. The graphic is in different shades of blue and white.